Renowned activist and lawyer, Dele Farotimi, was granted bail after appearing at the Ekiti Magistrate Court on Friday for a hearing in a defamation suit filed against him. The case, initiated by the Ekiti State Commissioner of Police on behalf of Chief Afe Babalola (SAN), accuses Farotimi of publishing defamatory statements in his book, Nigeria and Its Criminal Justice System.
The Ekiti Magistrate Court was heavily secured by law enforcement agents on Friday as Dele Farotimi faced charges, including allegations that he falsely claimed in his book, Nigeria and Its Criminal Justice System, that Chief Afe Babalola (SAN) corrupted the Supreme Court to secure a fraudulent judgment for his clients.
The charges, filed under Section 59(1) of the Criminal Code Act, suggest that Farotimi’s statements could incite public unrest and disturb the peace.
Chief Magistrate Abayomi Adeosun, who presided over the case, granted Farotimi bail under strict conditions. These include providing two sureties, one of whom must be a house owner in Ado-Ekiti, and submitting his international passport. Farotimi is also prohibited from granting any media interviews—whether electronic or print—until the case is resolved.
The hearing has attracted considerable public attention, largely due to Farotimi’s reputation as a staunch advocate for justice and accountability. The case will continue as both legal teams prepare to address the allegations and Farotimi’s defense in court.